INSPIRED BY uprising shipping industry and the profound competency of group entrepreneurship, in the early 1980's Sea Speed Shipping Company was initially established to offer professional port and shipping services with distinguished approach on proficiency and specialization. Soon after inception, the company enhanced its reputable recognition, becoming yet another major player in the field of shipping agency and related services. This achievement was influenced by eminent services in the majority of ports and terminals across the region, attracting major global clients looking for qualified partner and quality services.

EMPOWERED BY expert executives, the company continually maintains its values and standards on highly qualified team, ensuring to deliver quality service with integrity, consistency and velocity. Our most valuable assets comprise a diversified team of professionals, enthusiastic and talented experts, forming a wide network of group branches and partners regionally and globally. Sea Speed as the company of global scheme has proudly been the member of world-class organizations and associations such as ICCIMA, SAOI, BIMCO, ILSCS, DSAA and INTERTANKO.
Our Clients are our business.
Our business is only as good as the clients it serves, and the key to success is building relationships that go beyond one-time business, providing value on a consistent, ongoing basis. Our relationships with clients are based on Partnership. We are actively motivated to help our clients to succeed. And it is our common values that truly form the foundation of our shared success.
Agency Services
SeaSpeed Ports and Agency Department with decades of experience has been well recognized for providing distinguished port agency services with the most efficient and time sensitive operations. SeaSpeed Agency Department is well in position to offer the professional agency services to the principals, owners and operators in a wide range of categories including crude oil tankers, product tankers, gas carriers, dry bulk and general cargo vessels.
Our Tanker Agency operates to outperform any agency service with special concentration on crude oil, petrochemical and chemical industries, serving the global clients at the optimum proficiency level. Being presented in the majority of ports and terminals in the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea, Sea Speed competently continues to perform all shipping services in the region up to any global reaches.
Resourceful to local measures and procedures, the team accurately and promptly executes the necessary operations of the vessels calling any ports and terminals within the service extent.
Some of services that are daily in practice by SeaSpeed Agency team are as follows:
Port Information, Planning, Analysis & D/A Estimation Port/Harbor/Berth Arrangement & Coordination CIQ Clearances (Customs, Immigration & Quarantine)
Terminal Operations, Jetty, Towage & Barge Services Berthing I Unberthing Operations Offshore Mooring, SBM and STS Operations Arrival I Departure Formalities Clearance Cargo Supervision (Loading I Discharging) Cargo Operations, Surveying, & Tally Supervision Stevedoring I Lashing I Securing Cargo Documents Support - SOE, B/L, D/O Motor Car And Motor Launch Services Bunkers General Ships Supplies - Stores & Provisions Service To Ship's Master / Cash To Master
Port Disbursement Account Cargo Document Support To Principals P&l Correspondences Following Up Insurance and Claims Handling

Chartering Services
As the backbone of global trade and economy, shipping and maritime transportation plays a significant role at a global scale.
SeaSpeed Chartering and Brokerage Department with coverage of the maritime market undertakes chartering activities in all the major shipping segments including Oil Tanker, Product & Chemical Tanker, CPP / OPP, Bulk, Break Bulks, LNG and LPG.
In this business unit, we provide a wide range of chartering solutions ranging from spot fixtures, long-term contracts, time charters to consultancy services.
On the liquid sector, our department is active in liquid bulk chartering services consisting of crude oil, petrochemical products, clean and dirty chemicals, bitumen, acids, oils, vegoils and lubricants.
As one of the major transportation market of the region, our team offers chartering solutions for transport of liquefied gases including LPG and LNG. Other gases such as ammonia, ethylene and propylene are also transported in liquefied form by LPG carriers.

Logistics Services
Inherited from historical military logicians, today the concept of logistics is not only limited to the movement of goods, but also the art, science and process of planning, implementing, and controlling procedures for the efficient and effective transportation and storage of goods including services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption.
Moreover, supply chain management (SCM) is the active management of supply chain activities to maximize customer value and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, by conscious efforts to develop and run supply chains in the most effective & efficient ways possible.
Our dry/liquid bulk team, with vast experience in this professional field, has been one of the market leaders, proven by the representation of several reputable liners and carriers, such as Thoresen Line, in the region for many years of success.
Our forwarding team, enjoying close cooperation with world top container lines offers the best constant quality services to/from all major destinations worldwide.